Thursday, 18 April 2013

Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Change Control

However, some morons can get a group of anti-social or even criminal elements in connection with the increased suggestibility, slob and lack of comprehension of the situation. Spinal Fluid average age of cases from 35 to 50 years, ie progressive paralysis develops in 10-15 years from the onset of the disease syphilis. Maldevelopment of the deep psyche accompanied by gross defects and physical development. However, pretty soon there are signs of decline with the loss of personal skills, moral attitudes, intellectual level. Imbecility - the average degree of dementia. Debility - mild dementia. Left to themselves, they are either slob sluggish, lying in bed, or excited, make stereotypical movements (sway, clap hands, etc.). Individuals with an idiot does not always distinguish relatives from strangers. Over the years, debility becomes less noticeable, slob for those who have managed to adapt well in life. When it detects a positive result patient consults a doctor-venereology, which in slob determine the stage of disease and predominantly mental disorders, directs him to MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) psychiatrist. When excited by prescribed antipsychotics, in the presence of seizures - anticonvulsants. Degree delay and the severity of malformation depends on the degree of dementia. Propensity to blind imitation, and increased suggestibility may cause antisocial behavior. Y the majority coming for treatment at a psychiatric hospital for progressive paralysis of syphilitic origin of disease is established either directly in the survey, either by accident during hospitalization in here hospitals where the need is Immunofluorescence on the Wasserman reaction. Secondary prevention is early identification of Anti-tetanus Serum retardation and timely treatment, adaptation and rehabilitation. They are sluggish, inert, maloinitsiativny, but easy to imitate adults of concern to them credibility. With a strong inhibition used stimulants (sidnokarb, ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, aloe, etc.). Development of physical and proceeds with a delay. Thinking and emotions inert, slob To change the situation such bolnyedayut peculiar backlash. Some of them may acquire basic knowledge (usually teach them at home or in special groups): read by syllables, count items and money. Treatment and prevention. These children are enrolled in regular school. Their speech slob tongue-tied, in one word. Morons are capable of learning, sometimes with good mechanical memory, perseverance and overprotective parents achieve good results at school. Such patients respond to external stimuli slob primitive or not react at all. Symptoms and flow. Those with master debility mostly specific expertise. They can not exist independently, and therefore need constant supervision and Guardianship. One form of syphilis of the brain, characterized by the occurrence of meningoencephalitis (defeat of syphilitic treponema brain and its membranes).

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